
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

I Know...

Sitting here as I write I am thinking of so many things. I am thinking of the blessings in my life. The good fortune to not only be blessed with the knowledge but to also have the ability to know it is true. That I am a daughter of God, and I am a sister to Jesus Christ his son. And I know that each and every one of us in this world are children of God. And that he loves us all dearly. Also that no matter where we are at, no matter the choices we make he is with us always and always watching over us. Sometimes he gives us trials, and we sit here and want to scream at him WHY. . . yet if we turn that why into a understanding that he has a plan, and all will work out the way it is meant to....then the agony, suffering, and pain that the question why causes, is gone and replaced with peace and an understanding that I cant quite describe. In my life I have had multiple times where I have shouted out WHY.... WHY... Yet now that I have been given an even larger trial to go through with my family... I find that I am no longer able to utter, or to shout WHY... I am only able to say Lord thy will be done. Because no matter what we do at this point the ultimate decision is in the Lords hands. We can have hope, faith, and love. We can pray in tell our knees are sore, and our necks stiff... We can beg of him, ask of him, and plead with the Lord above to heal my little brother, and to make him well. Yet all in all if it is not apart of the plan we will be asking for what we ought not to. We don't know, and don't completely understand the Lords plan. We have been given guidelines to follow, a choice of two main paths, one of good and light, and the other of darkness and evil. Yet we cannot completely understand or know the Lords plan for each and every individual. We just have to take a step at at time, and seek to learn and seek to understand as much as we can, and as much as he will allow us to understand. I am only 18 years old. And I have not had an easy life, yet I have not had a hard one either. And I know without a doubt that I need to and that I do trust in the Lord with all mine heart, and I lean not unto my own understanding or the understandings of the world. For I fear not becasue I know that the Lord my God is with me always.