
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Thoughts Of a Mother

In life we often question our roles, our worth and our place. We often seek titles and positions high up in work places or just in life. Yet here I sit at the age of 20 holding in my arms the very future. And I have to laugh at my thoughts of "who am I or what career do I want?" Because as I sit here holding my baby boy in my arms I have come to realize that the most important role the most important career I can ever have in my life time is to be a mother. To have this little boy grow up knowing he is loved. The most important title I can ever be given is the title of mom. No matter where I work, no matter what I make of myself in this world, I will always be called mom, I will always be a mom. And my first priority is to protect, love, guide and care for the small person who will call me mom and who will relie on me for all his needs. Nothing in life is as important as my role as being his mother. Which is something that fills me with pride and joy, and its a role, a job I fully accept and appreciate. Although it saddens me that the society we now live in does not support this role, or count it as a job. In fact if anything they encourage women to not become mothers, and when they do they encourage them not to commit their time to being a mom. The society we now live in encourages abortions more then families. And it breaks my heart knowing that an abortion can just as easily be turned into two things. One adoption, because I bet you anything for every 1 aborted baby there are 2 or 3 women who would love to have that baby. Who would do everything in their power to love, and raise the baby that was never given a chance to be loved. And then the second option is to keep and raise the baby. Because its the greatest thing that can ever happen to you, if you allow it to be. Being a mom has filled me with so many emotions, so much love. I am over flowing with it, and I know that being a mother is the most important thing I will ever do. Being a mom is not easy, is not always roses and laughter. But nothing worth having is an easy road. Nothing worth fighting for is easy. And being a mom is worth fighting for. And from the first time they look up into your eyes to when they clutch their tiny fingers around your one finger. Your world becomes their every breath...their every cry and step. And you no longer remember what life was like before you heard their first cry as they came into the world.