
Monday, January 30, 2012

Young...and Immature

When you are young and immature, you don't always think and you don't usually care who or what your actions will affect. All a teenager really cares about is number one, me, myself, and I. We don't always realize that there is something more, something greater then getting a first kiss, or who's dating who, or who took who to prom. When I was in fifth grade I thought about things like this. But over the past few years my eyes have been forced open. I had to take a long big look around, and what i discovered was something extraordinary. But something extraordinary always comes with a high cost, and for every trial that is thrown at you, for every pain filled second you have to endure. If you don't break and give in and give up it makes you stronger. And each and every trial you endure is the cost you have to pay for something extraordinary. And the extraordinary only comes after you have accepted who you are, and that your life is nothing but a mountain to climb, and if you stop climbing for a second, if you rest for even one short second, you could fall down, you could lose all the precious ground you've covered, and then you'll have to start all over once again. So ask yourself is one second, two seconds, or a couple hours of pleasure, or of something you want that might not be wise. Is it worth destroying your future? Every day i watch, and i see, and hear of things that have destroyed people and yet they don't realize it yet. But when they do its gonna be only after they have hit rock bottom. I have been there, and i have done that. Its not a happy place to be. I rather like the view from the mountain top better.

© January 30, 2012

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