
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A Peek into Emma Joy's Rabbit Hole #1

Dear Readers,

So to all my dear readers, as many poems and endless thoughts I post on this glorious blog I figure I should do something out of the ordinary. Something so show that even though I do think deep I am non the less one possibly insane American teenager.  Although with my amazing family and friends who support me in all I do, but they are non the less just as crazy as me if not more so...but thats just the reason I LOVE them all so much!  So I suppose the purpose of this is to merily entertain and hopefully turn a frown into a smile, and grumbling into laughter. :) Just for everyone reading this who dont know my family or I, we have this question we often ask ourselfs. This infamous question is : " Do we really want to know how far dad's rabbit hole goes?" And if you dont understand this question it means that we are asking ourselves if we dare venture into the very depths of his brain that might just very well make us up and lose it. Although I love me dad he is a very unique and creative man. And I would never want another man to be my father. Because then it would be too boring and life as I know it would be completly differnt. Dad would be normal....and if you really know my crazy large yet small family you would know that my dear daddy claims to be the only so called "normal" human being on this large yet small world that most call earth...I call it home. :) hahaha...jk...But I must say I would never trade him, not if I was offered all a person would ever normally want.  I just want to finish out my senior year with my crazy yet very loving family.  When I fall down they are the ones who come and cheer me up, who make me laugh when I want to cry and they even tick me off to the point where I do explode, but I always feel bad afterwards.  I must admit life is good for me. Its not easy. But it has never been too hard.  I am very lucky. Anyway I have to tell ya all about my shrink.....(after this if you still dont think I am crazy...well ya.) ..... my shrink is the best shrink to have. I mean you dont need to go and talk about your life problems to my shrink. All you need to do is go get C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E........and then eat it. If you wish to know how I get a hold of my shrink I could tell you......Its called I have a loving father who knows that once a month or possible more than that his 3 teenage daughters will be yelling for 2 items.....#1 Midol. . . and #2 Chocolate.  So naturaly Dad aquired a drawer designated to "hidden" sweets that we are not supposed to know about. So when I am down and depressed and I need to have an appointment with my oh so helpful shrink. I go into where dad is and in my sweet inicent you love me daddy voice, I ask him ever so sweetly for some chocolate. Depending if he has some in his drawer of sweets of not and if he is feeling like sharing I may or may not aquire my shrink. :) At special times when there is none and mom wants some too we take a short 15 minute drive down to the open twenty four seven gas station just down the road, and get our shrink. :) Then as I am eating the yummy chocolate I savor the flavor as it trials down my throat like liquid honey.  And then for the time being I am ok. hahahaha.....sometimes I wonder where I come of up things like this.....oh ya its called the crazy bubble...oh wait you dont really know what I mean by saying crazy bubble. So I have to explain....if you are still reading this get your imagination ready to go on full drive....your gonna be introduced to what I compare my mind to...So I have some friends...well actually all of my family and friends say that a man or a boys mind is nice and oraganized into boxes with lables and such. But then a girls or a womans mind is like yarn, one unrelated thought connected to a completly other unrleated thought. I say this is true for everyone but those who think like me. So here is where your imagination is needed.  Picture a pitch black room...that has no just goes on and on. So once you have that mental picture, I now want you to picture that in the middle of that dark place there is a platform arising from somewhere in the dark.  And on this platform stands a dark haired curious teenage girl.  She is glancing all around her at something. Once you picture this continue.......this is where it gets cool.  The girl is looking into Bubbles...and not just any bubbles but bubbles full of images...ideas....thoughts....and memories from her birth to the point of life she is now currently at. The bubbles are both large and small, and seem to move on thier own differnt speeds. Some move slower and stay longer next to the platform where the girl had acess to them....while others came flying by so quick she barely has a second to grasp on to that thought or that idea...and then its gone.  Yet each bubble was coming...and it was going...each bubble pausing either far or close to the girls curious gaze, as she a bubble would pause near her she would glance deep into its depths....seeking...and searching for something unknown. so if you can picture this way to go! This is how I know my mind is, and the girl is me standing , trying to grasp ahold of all my thoughts as they come and go.  And try to make sense of them because believe me I love a good mystery...or puzzle....just trying to sort through my mind is like reading all the mystery novels ever written. . . . so ya. congradualtions you made it to the end....of this one. hope you enjoyed a little dip into my rabbit hole.

Sincerely yours truly Emma Joy

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