
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A Mothers Letter to her Son

A Mothers Letter to her Son

My dear Grandmother wrote this letter to my uncle, who is on his 8th deployment. He encouraged her to share it publicly on facebook with all her friends and family members to read, enjoy and find comfort. After reading it to a group of us at her home during a family visit. Which was followed with a in depth conversation between us and her. I requested permission to share her letter here with all who read my blog. She has given me permission and so I gladly share her message with you all. 

I know that not many read my blog or stay up on it. But I know partly that is because I dont write as often as I should and when I do its mostly poetry which is unpopular in todays world. But I encourage all who do find this and read it to share it with all. This letter has comforted not only my family but has found its way to other people who have loved ones in or going to be in a war zone soon. And has brought great comfort to them already. So do feel free to share. 

This is copied directly off of facebook the way she wrote it. 

"I share this with a certain amount of hesitation, but after thinking about it, felt our friends and family need to know about this strange experience I just had that has changed my outlook on a very troublesome issue. My son having to leave his family and go into danger a a fifth time: I sent this April 19, 2015, to my son, David Joseph Denning, on the eve of his leaving for another deployment overseas in the Air Force:
Dear David, The other day when we were in a class being taught by our dear friend Wayne Brickey, I had an experience where I was 'hearing' on a dual level. One level included the words the teacher was speaking, scriptures, words of wisdom regarding the Savior, etc. The other level was a stream of thoughts coming from outside of me, but inside of my head. It came on the heels of my thought of you going into danger again--and I was thinking 'why? Why? Why?. Then suddenly this second level of thoughts informed me that you, my son, and those who go before, with and after you, are engaged in an extremely important work, not just for honor and duty to your country, but a service that is essential for the preservation of all mankind. I heard this thought and wondered, what? How? I was contemplating that nothing seems in my mind to justify the danger of death or injury to MY son! Well, then I was 'informed' by this intense message that you are engaged in an essential mission to hold back the tide of evil that is building, building, building, with the intent of utterly annihilating all freedom, all that is not only Christian, but God oriented in our society, anywhere in the world. At some point the BIG confrontation will come and evil will be eliminated, however, that end time is not yet; but without the present efforts of a few (you and all those sent forth), evil would just sweep over all humanity without any resistance. So, futile though it may seem, under present circumstances, your work it is not futile, but essential and blessed from on high by the Lord of ALL. These thoughts moved out the self-pitying feelings from my heart, leaving me aware of how small and puny we are in the large scope of the great destiny of humanity--God's in Heaven, but He is aware and cares for each of us individually as well as collectively. It is impossible for me to put words together to express all that I both heard and felt in the moments this message was given to me. All I can say is you and I have something very special as mother and son, and we are blessed in that. Also, the work you have to do is of great importance, not just in the big picture of war against evil, but in the day by day interaction with those you are going there to lead. Your example will live long after you or they have passed from this earth, for the gifts you have of cheerful endurance, grit and forbearance, courage and humility, honor and integrity will leave in those you work with an undefinable spark that will rise in them and be passed to their posterity in ways we cannot now realize. Trust in God to take care of your family, your friends and loved ones at home while He also will take care of all who you care about, wherever you are. I am so grateful you came to be my son. I love you with unshakable and eternal love. Go forth to serve in war or peace, in danger or safety, in all circumstances, with confidence, not in yourself, but in your place in the great big picture. We, Dad and I, are with you without reservation. Forever, your parents.
After I sent this I read it over and think I must add this thought as well. I want so much for you to go and come back unscathed by dangers you will be in. And for all those you care about there to be safe as well--however, that is not the point is it? The fact is some may meet their earthly end through the perils of war--don't rest your faith on the idea that can't happen or won't. Rest your faith on the knowledge that the Savior, Jesus Christ, knows all that is going on, and HIS work is greater than anything man or devils can do. I have no power to prevent you from being sent to participate in this awful conflict, but I have comfort knowing that wherever you go and whatever happens, you will be sustained, inspired as needed, protected for HIS purposes, and that you have been prepared and are ready for the work ahead of you by training and by your incredible inner strengths built up not only through adversity, but also through many wonderful good things, most of all, through the love your MOTHER has for you. Adieu.
When David got this message he called me on the phone. He was crying and I was crying, but it was not from extreme sorrow, it was from pure love and appreciation for one another. He knows how I dread his going and I know how he dreads going—but we both know that whatever the outcome, we can and will endure.
It isn’t that I won’t worry. I will. But I won’t panic.
David, I was in tears when I wrote this and again re-reading it. It meant the world to me to talk with you on the phone following this exchange. God, please answer this mother's prayers, and the hundreds of others who will be praying for you and those with whom you serve, and the families and friends who sacrifice for a cause greater than we can imagine.."

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